Psalm 140. j ˆ«. ˆ«w « ˆ ˆ ˆ«ˆ«. ˆ« ˆ ˆ« ====================== ˆ«ˆ«ˆ«ˆ« l ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ l ˆ« l ˆ« «. ˆ «««« j « j «««« & b ˆ«««« j « ˆ«ˆ ˆ ˆ« ŵ«.

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» œ» œ» œ» œ» Byzante So ««ˆ ˆ «««ˆ ˆ «ˆ ˆ ˆ «ˆ s «cried out un 85 Basi Kazan (1915 2001) «ˆ ŵ«. j ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ.. j Hear ««ˆ ˆ. ˆ ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ me.. œ». un e.. j ««ˆ ˆ _«œ» œ» œ» œ» Give ear voice sup pi ca ««ˆ ˆ. ti, n cry out un e. «So ˆ j. ẇ«hear Hear Let Hear cried me. e. out pray'r «««ˆ ˆ ˆ. j. j ««««ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ_«œ» œ» be set th be e e as thē «ˆ cense, ift Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK Psam 140 g up hs. as

Psam 140 86 Basi Kazan «ˆ «««««ˆ ˆ ˆ «ˆ ˆ ˆ j. eve ng sac ri fice. Hear Quicky. Set a atch, be e mouth, ««. ˆ ˆ door a bout ips. n Œ». art e vi ords, make ex cus a pro ce es tect ss.......ith men that ork iq ui ty, i not not g com mu ni cate ith choic est». m. T just man sha cor rect me mer cy sha prove but et not anot ad, Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK oi pray'r s a so sha ner re sti

Œ be agast thgs ith hich y are e Psam 140 Basi Kazan peased. 87 Tir judg es fa g up rock been sa oed ẇ«œ Ty sha ar ords y are seet. Œ thick ness earth bro ken up up ground, As ir up. n bes are scat tered by side. But e, are me. eyes. n e put trust. Take not aay Keep me from snare hich traps ork ers y aid iq ui Let ick ed Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK fa ir on nets, ty. hie sou.

œ»» 88 Psam 141 Basi Kazan Psam 141. a e es cape. ith voice. With voice un cried un did make «ˆ_«ˆœ œ» sup pi ca ti. poured. ti be e him. out shoed «ˆ trou be. Wn spir it as be o sup e pi ca him ver med ith. n kno «ˆ ay re aked y path. se cret y ŵ«œ me. ooked right re as no e that Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK oud kno h me. be aid n d, Re a fuge snare but faied

». me. No e cared Verses & Sticra Basi Kazan sou. 89 ««ˆ ˆ Œ cried un e,». re fuge por ti «ˆ.». At tend un cry, am brought ŵ«ẇ«. De iv er me from =========== strg er than. per se cu said, iv ver rs Thou y art g. o. y are Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK

90 Verses & Sticra Basi Kazan VERSE 1 ««ˆ ˆ Brg sou out pr that may prae thy name. STCHERN 1 Á. Co et us re joice ho crusd might ««ˆ_«ˆ ˆ death ight ed man him ith cor por as, "». Sav iour, go VERSE 2 ««ˆ ˆ Œ T right eous STCHERN 2 Á ti re com pense sha ry kd, ait me. Cre cry a e. For r our g sakes, Sav iour, suf ŵ«..». Œ bur ia, but Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK fer cause death cru ci die, fix art i God. our un

Verses & Sticra Basi Kazan 91 Wre e, do e or VERSE 3 "». rec ti, go ««ˆ ˆ depths ry ship cried un e, STCHERN 3 Á Ver i y, n a pos thy e. voice. third tes be day ut d res ar ur res ur Œ rec ti Cre a r, y ere sur pred, Œ shout g an ge ic prae,. h our Church. Th rich kg dom. Wre e, " Œ ho ness suf Th sakes, go ry e. Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK fer thē our

œ»» 92 Verses & Sticra Basi Kazan VERSE 4 ««ˆ ˆ Let t ears be at STCHERN 4 «ˆ_«ˆ_«œˆ œ» Á sup pi ca ti. Though ast ar. rest ed, Chrt, by ten tive trans gres sors «ˆ. ma est God re e am not a shamed ŵ«««ˆ_«ˆ ˆ gh ast asd back, sha a, not voice de ny. # b _«ˆ_«n e, or naied up cross, n hide it, thy res ur ry, thy death ife, a might y ne " Œ». Lov er man kd. Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK rec go ti ry do sha go e. sti re not

Verses & Sticra Basi Kazan 93 VERSE 5 f, shoud'st ho sha st, ith e re mark iq ui give ties, ness. STCHERN 5 Á Ver i y, Chrt God did fu fi Da vid. pro p cy, ««ˆ_«ˆ ˆ. h d ci pes Zi did man i n fest h re veaed. sef that praed go «ˆ Fa r ˆ_«Ho y Spir ri it. fied As a ays ders ith him ic be g ng ith out bod y, Word Œ Œ days, did ap pear Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK bod y died se ast our

94 Verses & Sticra Basi Kazan sakes ˆ_«as a man, r g by h sef ".». er, Lov VERSE 6 Be cause thy Œ e, My sou hath er name ait ed man up same ait thy po kd. ed ord. Œ STCHERN 6». Á My sou hath hoped scend ha des, as i, Chrt Thou de ead death ẇ«cap tive, sce art God «ˆ «ˆ third day, rag Ad am ith e from bds ««««ˆ_«ˆ. «ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ its cor rup ti, Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK ho cried say g: Go re ha ry des thy

Œ " res ur rec ti, y Lover Verses & Sticra Basi Kazan man 95 VERSE 7 kd. From morn g atch un ti night, morn g atch et s ra e trust from STCHERN Á 7 God, ast paced a grave as e that sumber Œ eth, re ŵ«might y po er fu, third day ra g. «ˆ Œ " e from cor rup ti ===========». ni po tent death, as Ad e am that art ith om Here end first seven verses resurrecti sticra. Wn required, th fooed by verses eight, ne, ten three sticra sat day. Wn se are not sung, go directy "Gory Far... " Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK

œ» œ» œ» 96 Verses & Sticra Basi Kazan VERSE 8 ẇ«for ith re. bun dant re demp ti ============ a h iq ui ties. mer i cy, de ith him iv er No sg first sticr sat, n Verse 9. s ra e VERSE 9 Prae a ye na tis. Prae him a ye peo a pe. from No sg secd sticr sat, n Verse 10. VERSE 10 For h mer cy great t'ard Œ truth en dur eth us, ev er. No sg third sticr sat, n "Gory..." Antiochian rthodox Chrtian Archdiocese 10/10/02 Rev. 0 MK